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Being yourself - an older gentleman dancing

Getting a little support can help you stay in your own home for longer

ACH Group understands that older South Australians want to live in their own home for as long as possible. However, as we grow older we may experience changes that make it more difficult to live independently and that’s when accessing in-home services can support your needs, choices and interests.

If you think you could benefit from home care there are resources, services, and government programs available to help you stay independent at home.

You do you, we’re here for the rest

What services are available?

Help at home services include:

  • Social, transport and health
  • Personal care and support
  • Home cleaning and garden maintenance

Learn more about ACH Group help at home services.

How can you access home care?

People who are aged 65 or older (or over 50 years for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders) can access home care using Home Care Package or Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP). If you’re not eligible for government assistance, the services can be privately funded.

Where do you start?

To access HCP or CHSP, you will need to undergo an assessment to determine your care needs and the type and level of support you require. For HCP this is arranged with the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), for CHSP the Regional Assessment Service (RAS).

ACH Group is here to support you every step of the way.

Our Welcome Team can answer your questions and arrange an assessment.

Contact the Welcome Team via 1300 22 44 77 or [email protected]

Help at Home with ACH Group

If home is where your heart is, we can help you stay there. ACH Group provides a comprehensive range of in-home services designed to help you maintain your independence.

Home Care Packages

A Home Care Package can be accessed when you need more than basic support and offers a coordinated approach with access to a greater range of services, aids and equipment.

Preparing for your Home Care Package

What can you do during the wait time to prepare for your Home Care Package (HCP)? Depending on the support you require, short-term support is available.

Payment Options

(hover over an icon for more information)

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Home Care Packages

Good Lives Magazine

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2 days ago

🎨✨ Art in Focus shines once again! ACH Group Art Lead Ann has captured the spirit of creativity and joy in a recent art class at Marden.

Meet the inspiring artists:

🎨 Pat revisited her passion for art last year. She’s embraced the freestyle painting techniques learned in the ACH Group SALA course. Moving from folk art to a more liberating and expansive style, she's found it not only doable but incredibly fulfilling.

🎨 Colleen has been part of art sessions for a few years, starting with no prior experience. She has a unique love for black and white creations, adding just a pop of colour and some bling for that extra sparkle.

🎨 Val, the newest member of the group, made a striking impression with her geranium painting on her very first day. With a background in art, Val continues to explore her creativity, often involving her grandchildren in her artistic endeavours.

Let’s see where creativity takes the artists next time!
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🎨✨ Art in Focus shines once again! ACH Group Art Lead Ann has captured the spirit of creativity and joy in a recent art class at Marden.

Meet the inspiring artists:

🎨 Pat revisited her passion for art last year. She’s embraced the freestyle painting techniques learned in the ACH Group SALA course. Moving from folk art to a more liberating and expansive style, shes found it not only doable but incredibly fulfilling.

🎨 Colleen has been part of art sessions for a few years, starting with no prior experience. She has a unique love for black and white creations, adding just a pop of colour and some bling for that extra sparkle.

🎨 Val, the newest member of the group, made a striking impression with her geranium painting on her very first day. With a background in art, Val continues to explore her creativity, often involving her grandchildren in her artistic endeavours.

Let’s see where creativity takes the artists next time!Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment