Milpara Rostrevor Residential Care Home

rostrevor retirement home art class

Take a tour to discover the heart and soul of ACH Group Milpara residential care home

Based in Rostrevor in the eastern suburbs, the redeveloped two-storey accommodation features single rooms with ensuites for 90 people in both low and high care.

Milpara boasts an on-site gym, an outdoor fitness park, coffee shop and the Milpara Club. It has been designed in a configuration of six, 15-bed homes – creating a community environment.


  • 90 single rooms with an adjoining ensuite
  • A design that creates a community environment without encroaching on privacy
  • Specialised dementia and memory support services

What residents tell us about living at Milpara

Residents have told us they value the support provided by the compassionate and skilled care team at Milpara and the wide range of services and facilities available to them.

A focus at Milpara has been to improve the mealtime experience. We partner with residents to understand their mealtime preferences, so they can be reflected in their experience. This includes residents touring the hospitality services kitchen and ACH Group chefs dining with residents to hear their feedback, which is then used to inform the development of our fresh, seasonal menus.

ACH Group welcomes feedback

At ACH Group we welcome and actively seek out feedback. We listen and take action to personalise resident experience and deliver high quality care.

All feedback is an opportunity for ACH Group to improve services and how they are delivered. Residents and families can share insight into their experience by talking directly with the care team, as part of care plan reviews, at home meetings, or using the home’s feedback boxes.

ACH Group also receives feedback through the federal government’s Department of Health and Aged Care annual Residents’ Experience Survey. At Milpara, 17 % of residents participated in the most recent survey.

Feedback can be provided at anytime using our online feedback form.

Star Ratings at Milpara

The Australian Government uses a Star Ratings system to guide older Australians and their representatives to make choices about aged care.

Learn more about Star Ratings.

A Star Rating of 3-stars or more indicates that a home is providing quality care for residents.

Milpara residential care home has achieved a 4-star rating.

View Milpara’s Star Rating and profile on the My Aged Care website.

Rostrevor – Pullin Court

Affordable eastern suburbs living

Pullin Court is an affordably priced small village located in Rostrevor, featuring two and three-bedroom units with clever designs and tasteful, quality finishes.  Conveniently located near public transport, local shops and services.

Key information

  • small village with street frontage
  • five independent living units
  • four two bedroom units and 1 three bedroom design
  • off street car parking
  • pet friendly
  • priced from $180,000 (2 bedroom)

Local amenities

  • nearby Milpara Rostrevor Residential Care Home
  • public bus
  • Newton Village Shopping Centre
  • Magill Road shops and services
  • Morialta Conservation Park