It’s busy, it’s a juggle, and it isn’t always easy, but it’s absolutely worth it
Georgia Struwig is a young woman who holds a leadership role as Head of Clinical & Quality at ACH Group and is the mother of 18-month-old Jasper.
We asked her what motherhood means to her and whether it is possible to excel in both personal and professional aspects of life.
Georgia’s story highlights the juggling act of a working mum and why they – along with all other mums – deserve to be recognised this Sunday. Coincidentally, Georgia has a background as a Registered Nurse which dovetails into the celebrations for International Nurses Day.
Thank you, Georgia, for sharing your insights!
Becoming a mum was the single biggest change I’ve ever been through in my life!
I went from being someone very sure of what I was doing in my career to having to work my way through the absolute basics. I went through what I am sure all new mums go through – navigating the significant changes in my life and relationships whilst trying to do my best for the tiny human now in my care.
Throughout this time, I was particularly thankful to my amazing supportive husband and my own mum who helped me navigate early motherhood and were there to support me every step of the way.
I found maternity leave very difficult being something I call “busy bored”: constantly busy and never a moment to yourself, but also lacking mental stimulation and adult engagement. I absolutely loved being at home with Jasper, but also know that my career has always been important to me. I have always been very determined that being a mum won’t stop me from achieving in my career and women should be given opportunities despite their childbearing capacity and childcare responsibilities.
I have been determined to achieve my career goals whilst being a present and engaged mum; I don’t get it right every day but I try my best!
Returning to work from maternity leave has been the biggest juggle; the transition to childcare was really tricky for us and then childcare sickness has been relentless. Juggling each day is a very busy role; with a really young child who needs and wants his mum leaves me exhausted but I also wouldn’t have it any other way.
Since returning to work I have taken on a new role and responsibilities, and have started studying full-time again to do my Master in Healthcare Leadership.
I have a background as a Registered Nurse and aged care has always been my home. My long-term goals definitely involve staying in the sector.
I can’t wait to see where my career takes me and my family and have found working at ACH Group to be a really supportive and flexible environment for raising a young family.
Jasper is very busy! He is always on some sort of mission. He is a very clever and talkative little boy; he learns new words every day and surprises us constantly with his understanding and comprehension. He LOVES dancing and singing to music – particularly The Wiggles. He loves to draw and play with cars and is happiest when he is outside. As a family we love camping and going on adventures; one day we would love to do some extended travel around our beautiful country.
This Mother’s Day I will spend the day with my family including my own mum. We aren’t big on gifts but will enjoy a nice lunch slow cooked roast lamb (thanks Dad!).
I often laugh with my husband about sitting in management or board meetings, making important decisions all day, and then going home to perform a personal Wiggles concert in the kitchen for a toddler for a giggle and a round of applause.
I think that really summarises being a working mum!
It’s busy, it’s a juggle, and it isn’t always easy, but it’s absolutely worth it.
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