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Research at ACH Group

At ACH Group, we are committed to promoting opportunities and services to support older people to live a good life.

We have developed an extensive Research and Innovation Program in partnership with leading research institutions to ensure the services we provide are of a high quality and support older people to be healthy, engaged and connected to their communities, fulfil valued roles, enjoy real experiences, and right relationships.

Research and development strategy

Through a strong commitment to being evidence-based and data-informed, we drive the conversations that help us shape the way we re-imagine our tomorrow, including developing new models, technology and innovation to meet the changing needs of our customers.
Research strategy thumbnail

Research and development strategy 2022 - 2024

  • About the strategy
  • Strategic research priorities - consultation
  • Where we are coming from
  • Where we are going

7 Research priority areas

At ACH Group, we drive and take part into research initiatives across a broad set of interests, needs and aspirations, shared by both our customers and staff.

Our 7 research priority areas guide the way we scope opportunities and develop research projects and collaborations.

Evidence based exercise as example of research principles

Evidence-based care

Applying appropriate clinical knowledge, and introducing new interventions and approaches, is important to promote the health and wellbeing of older people, and to minimise functional decline. Evidence-based care involves converting scientific evidence into practice, and it helps those receiving care and those providing care to make decisions based on the best available, current, valid and relevant knowledge.

Our culture


Older people need a skilled, diverse, compassionate, and valued workforce who can provide safe, appropriate, and high-quality care. Attracting and retaining the best possible staff and developing the skills and knowledge of our workforce are key aspects to ensuring our services are effective in promoting good lives for older people.

benefits for you

Impact evaluation

Impact evaluation is an approach to help us assess the effects of our services and initiatives. Knowing what works best and what is needed to successfully support older people living a good life is fundamental inform decisions about whether to continue, discontinue, replicate or scale up services, initiatives and approaches.

Elkanah village setting as example of built environment from research perspective

Housing and built environment

The built environment affects all aspects of our lives, including the buildings we live in, and the infrastructure systems that support them and assist us to get around and access commodities like electricity and water. Among other things, housing and the built environment are key aspects in the health and wellbeing, and the quality of life of older people.

Two ladies enjoying a meal together, smiling and loving their life.

Food provision

“We are what we eat”, ever heard that? Food is fuel for our bodies, and our physical and mental well-being is directly linked to what we eat and drink. Eating well and enjoying the experience of having meals can make a great difference in the quality of life of everybody, including older people.

Gaming for older people

Psycho-social wellbeing

Our wellbeing is affected by a complex mix of social and psychological aspects, and people with higher psycho-social wellbeing are more likely to live healthier and longer lives, and to enjoy a better quality of life. Research on psycho-social wellbeing of older people helps us to better understand how to best support our customers to have a good life emotionally, psychologically, and socially.

Privately fund help at home

Tech enabled innovation

Technology is increasingly shaping the way we live, and it can bring important benefits to the way we age and continue to have a good life. Whether it is to preserve, extend, or enhance the way we do things, research into tech-enabled innovation is critical to understand, develop, and adapt existing and emerging opportunities, including issues of acceptance and privacy.

Research partners

At ACH Group, we work in partnership with a broad range of organisations, spanning the research, education, government, non-for-profit, industry, and community sectors.

We take pride in collaborating with our high-calibre partners and in working together to ensure we continue to improve our ability to support older people living good lives.

Learn more about research partners.

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1 day ago

Brain health matters! ✔️

When it comes to brain health...
❤️ Looking after your heart,
🚶 Staying active,
📝 Challenging your brain,
🥗 Eating well, and
🤩 Being social,
are the foundations of maintaining it.

These steps show how a holistic health approach can boost our brain's power and help us thrive as we get older 🔗
... See MoreSee Less

Brain health matters! ✔️
When it comes to brain health... 
❤️ Looking after your heart,  
🚶 Staying active,  
📝 Challenging your brain,  
🥗 Eating well, and 
🤩 Being social,  
are the foundations of maintaining it. 

These steps show how a holistic health approach can boost our brains power and help us thrive as we get older 🔗