ACH Group congratulates its Chair, Mary Patetsos, on her receipt of an Order of Australia (AM) award this Australia Day for her ‘contribution in the field of aged care and commitment to advancing multicultural Australia’.
Ms Patetsos joined the Board of ACH Group, a South Australian aged care provider, in October 2008 and was appointed Chair in 2018.
Further, she continues to play a critical role in helping to shape aged care reform in Australia as an Advisory Council Member on the National Aged Care Advisory Council.
“It is a great honour to be named on the Australia Day Honours List alongside many Australians making a positive impact in the community,” Ms Patetsos said.
“My dedication to the aged care industry is driven by the desire that the care older Australians receive meets their expectations and changing needs. I am passionate about enhancing aged care services and how this can be achieved through innovative ways, such as providers engaging in cross-sector partnerships with education, government, and health.
“I believe life is not an opportunity to be missed, regardless of age, gender, culture, and capacity. This outlook is reflected in my commitment to amplifying the voices of older people and culturally diverse communities.”
Ms Patetsos is also Honourable President (Immediate Past Chair) of Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA) a peak body representing Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
ACH Group CEO Frank Weits congratulated Ms Patetsos on her significant achievement.

“This award acknowledges Mary’s long-standing commitment to aged care in Australia,” he said.
Ms Patetsos has extensive experience across the private, government and not-for-profit sectors and serves on both national and South Australian boards.
Her memberships include:
- Chair ACH Group
- Board Member of the Can:Do Group
- Board Member of the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF)
- Hon. President (Immediate Past Chair) of the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA)
- Board Member of the Glenelg Community Hospital Inc.
- Member of the National Aged Care Advisory Council (NACAC)
- Member of the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN) Governing Board
- Presiding Member of the South Australian Housing Trust Board
- Member of the South Australian Leaders Advisory Board; and
- Council Member of the University of South Australia