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ACH Group welcomes Aged Care Quality Standards

As of 1 July 2019, the Australian Government have introduced Aged Care Quality Standards and Charter of Rights, giving customers a stronger voice.

The new Standards bring together Home Care services and Residential Care under one set of standards. This is one of the most significant changes to occur to the aged care sector in many years.

ACH Group has welcomed the reforms initiated by the Australian Government with Chief Executive Frank Weits saying these standards place the customer at the centre of care through choice and being treated with respect.

The Independent Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission will monitor and assess all aged care providers against the eight new standards with respect to:

  1. Consumer dignity and choice
  2. Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers
  3. Personal care and clinical care
  4. Services and supports for daily living
  5. Organisation’s service environment
  6. Feedback and complaints
  7. Human resources
  8. Organisational governance

Frank said, “At ACH Group, no matter what we do, the emphasis is to always put our customers first. Our focus aligns closely to the new Aged Care Quality Standards.”

“Together with our Good Lives philosophy, we are well placed to respond to our customers’ needs and committed to maintaining full accreditation across all areas of the organisation.”

The new Charter of Aged Care rights has coincided with the introduction of the Standards. Read more about the introduction of the Charter of Aged Care Rights.


Further resources on Aged Care Quality Standards include:

July 2019

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